class Collation { }
is the class that allows proper sorting, taking into account all Unicode characteristics. It's the class the object $*COLLATION
is instantiated to, and thus includes collation levels, that is, what kind of features should be looked up when comparing two strings and in which order.
method set§
method set ( Int :$primary = 1, Int :$secondary = 1, Int :$tertiary = 1, Int :$quaternary = 1)
Sets if the different levels should be used in ascending or descending order, or if they are going to be ignored (when set to 0).
my $*COLLATION =; say 'a' coll 'z'; # OUTPUT: «Less» $*COLLATION.set(:primary(-1)); say 'a' coll 'z'; # OUTPUT: «More»
method primary§
method primary
Returns the state of the primary collation level.
method secondary§
method secondary
Returns the state of the secondary collation level.
method tertiary§
method tertiary
Returns the state of the tertiary collation level.
method quaternary§
method quaternary
Returns the state of the quaternary collation level.